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Richard Gurewitsch Makes Businesses for Latin Immigrants

 Richard Gurewitsch, an Immigrant Himself, Strives to Create Businesses that Help Fellow Latin Immigrants 

Richard Gurewitsch realizes that organizations that care about workers and helping Latin families and companions impart and get to know each other are what truly have any kind of effect for individuals. That is the reason the organizations he has established and is CEO at, LlamaCuba and LatinPhone, just as HaitiPhone and HolidaysCaribe, intend to do only that. 

Richard Gurewitsch Finds Means of Communication Between Cuba and Other Countries 

Richard Gurewitsch began LlamaCuba after the United States opened broadcast communications to Cuba in 2010. He and a group of profoundly prepared Cisco engineers had the option to acquire government FCC licenses to agree to all US rules and guidelines. They at that point built up a VoIP stage with limited costs in calls from the United States to Cuba. 

Richard Gurewitsch says that he began this organization to "serve a part of the market that has been generally under-served." Although the organization began with correspondences between the US and Cuba, after 2010, Gurewitsch and his group had the option to extend administrations to Cuba from all European and Latin American nations. As innovation opened up, LlamaCuba even began giving telephone top-up (portable tops off) to get perhaps the biggest supplier of top-up in the USA with monstrous nearness in web-based life stations. 

LlamaCuba has been granted with an esteemed A+ rating by the Better Business Bureau (BBB). 

Richard Gurewitsch Continues Helping Immigrants Communicate With HaitiPhone 

Following LlamaCuba's prosperity, Richard Gurewitsch and his group established HaitiPhone in 2014. Gurewitsch says that he began HaitiPhone with the reason to "serve a specialty showcase that has been disregarded by numerous other significant telephone organizations." 

The group applied a similar idea that they utilized for LlamaCuba, and inside a couple of years, they had the option to put HaitiPhone on top-level suppliers for correspondence for Haiti also. 

Richard Gurewitsch Has Companies in more than 5 Latin language-speaking Countries 

In 2012, Richard Gurewitsch established and fused SBG Network Group LLC, which incorporates a significant number of the administrations he made for more than 20 years in the media transmission, web, and virtual travel ventures. 

As of now, SBG Network Group LLC has offices in Miami, Florida, USA, Mexico City, Cancun, and Merida, Mexico, Santiago de Chile, Chile, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Montevideo, Uruguay, and another office opening soon in Barcelona, Spain. 

On why he makes these organizations serve workers and the Latin people group, Richard Gurewitsch says, "During my whole business profession and being an outsider myself, my concentrate consistently was to help underserved settler parts in the USA and Europe to advance and have moderate access to conveying with their families in their unique nations."

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